
Mgr. Eva Lešková   sa venuje maľbe, textilnej tapisérii a fotografii, ale prezentovala sa aj zbierkou poézie, ktorá sa stala súčasťou nášho umeleckého života.
Vysokoškolské štúdium zavŕšila na UPJŠ v Prešove. Z lásky k poézii sa vyznala v zbierke básní Srdce je blbec /2007/. Rovnako ako vo výtvarnej tvorbe i poézii vstupuje do sveta kontrastov medzi mužom a ženou, odhaľuje aj generačné protiklady, teda témy, s ktorými bytostne zrástla.
 Súčasnú výtvarnú tvorbu autorky môžeme nazvať svojským poetickým vyznaním na plátne. Venuje sa krajinomaľbe, portrétu, figuratívnej kompozícii a prírodným motívom. 
Jej maľba je stvárnením impresií a snov, je spätá so známymi miestami, ktoré  súvisia s jej životom a hlavne s krajinou talianskeho Toskánska a Ríma. Pre jej výtvarný prejav je charakteristické pevná, istá kresba, dôsledná modelácia tvarov. Farba v jej podaní zjednocuje dekoratívno estetický efekt kompozície. 
Autorka je členkou Umeleckej besedy Slovenska /Slovak Art Association/, najstaršej profesionálnej organizácie výtvarníkov Slovenska.
Okrem skupinových výstav prezentovala svoju tvorbu  na Slovensku aj v zahraničí.
Fotografickú tvorbu autorky môžte sledovať na blogu  užitú grafiku tu
textilnú tvorbu tu tapisérie

1989 - Trebišov, textilná tapiséria v galérii Vlastivedného múzea
1992 –  Košice, Klub architektov a výtvarných umelcov, textilná tapiséria
1995 – Tenafly - NJ, USA, prezentácia maľby v Sunset Art Studio
2010 - Trebišov, galéria Múzea a Kultúrneho centra južného Zemplína v Trebišove , maľba
2010 -  Běleč pri Prahe, kostol sv. Mikuláša,  Česká republika
2011 -  Košice, Dom umenia - Štátna filharmónia, maľba a tapiséria spolu s manželom - plastika Jána Leška akad.soch.
2011 -  Košice, galéria VEBA, maľba so satirickým názvom Bookface (portréty - pastel, olej, akryl)
2012 -  Krakov, Poľsko, spolu s Jánom Leškom akad.soch.
2013 - Bratislava, nadácia Integra, maľba
2014 - Múzeum  v Trebišove, výstava fotografie z Ríma
2014 - prezentácia tvorby v Takeawaygallery v Ríme, Taliansko, maľba
2014 -  Salón východoslovenských umelcov, VSG – Košice
2015 - Košice, VIA ROMA talianske centrum, maľba, Talianske impresie
od roku 2008 Lions club Košice - benefičné aukcie


Mgr. Eva Lešková, native of Rožňava, Slovak Republic, without dispute is a distinct phenomenon of the Slovak art scene. She is devoted not only to painting, textile tapestries, book illustrations, but also presents herself by a collection of poetry, which became a part of our current cultural life. She graduated at the University of P.J. Šafárik in Prešov and has since that time devoted herself to the teaching mission. She shares her view that " Work with children and youth is a joy and eternal source of inspiration." But she is not quite satisfied with this in her creative development, so she found a futher scope for creative self - expression. She expressed her love of poetry by a collection od poems " Srdce je blbec" ( The heart is a jerk) /2007/, which was judged postivetely also by such Slovak literary figures as Ľubomír Feldek or Daniel Hevier. As in the fine arts she enters the world of the contrasts between man and woman, dicovers contrasts beween generations, subjects she essentially grew on, the author herself noted in that regard: " It is a good feeling to hold in hand materialized spirituality and believe that it will move my joy further". All signs prove that she successfully managed to transform her orientation in poetry also into the fine arts area. She already had an individual presentation of textile tapestry in Trebišov museum in 1989 and another one in Košice in the local Club of Architects in 1992. In addition to the presentations of her works at joint exhibitions she also presented her works in the gallery in Tenefly/ USA in 1995. The contemporary production of the author can be titled as a selfstyled poetic expression on a canvas. Recently she presented herself by paintings in 2010 in an exhibition hall of the Trebišov museum. It was filled by expression of impressions/cycles: Symhony, Venetia and others/, Dreams/ Dreaming under the tree ( about a baloon), World of mystery/ Hell, Heaven/ and harmonic accord of flowers, which symbolize mental balance in the current world marked with human conflicts. The optimism is brought by exhibited creations: " Aj tak si pieseň spievam" (Yet I am singing a song), " Jar" (Spring), " Svätý pokoj" (Holy peace) and others, which express the author´s joy of a present moment. The following paintings have a philosophical and psychological undertones: " Neopísaná kniha života" (Blank book of life), " Osamelá" (Lonely), "Priepasť" (Abyss) and others. Joy and closeness to ľubomír Feldek, which she feels has been interestingly expressed in the painting "Červená kniha spomienok" (Red book of memories). The exhibition is also an immediate expression of the author´s relations to the natural and social world, which she perceives joyfully.
She is a member of Slovak Art Association

Other exhibitions: Košice The House of Art - 2011, Veba Gallery in Košice - 2011, Krakow (Poland)-2012, Bratislava 2013 2014 - VSG Kosice

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